Price Database

97th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/13/2015

1.959 Positionen

Collection of books III. Rich

Lot 9565 limit € 30

5 different issues in total, as well: 1 x Friedrich Heiss "The victory in the north. A report on the deployment of the German people's army in Denmark and Norway", Berlin: Volk und Reich, 1942, half cloth, 1 x L. Muth "Kreuzweg nach France. Luxembourgers report on their experiences on country roads and in prisons", offprint of the publication series "Heim ins Reich", ill. Paperback, 1 x Karl Georg von Stackelberg "Legion Condor-German Volunteers in Spain", Berlin: Verlag die Heimbücherei, 1939, full cloth etc., different. Signs of age and use

bid preparation

Current auction

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