Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Collection of art brochures

Lot 1024 limit € 30

all in all approx. 13 different issues, among other things: 1 x catalog "Edvard Munch. Newer paintings and graphics in the exhibition Gerstenberger Chemnitz, in July 1921", orig. Softcover (slightly stained), 1 x "Adolph Menzel. The graphic work", catalog for the exhibition on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Kunsthütte zu Chemnitz February 1935, orig. Brochure (cover slightly scuffed, cut stained), 1 x "Work and Art. Construction - Space - Device - Education", 1st year 1930 Issue 2, Leipzig: Verlag Wilhelm Diebener, orig. Paperback (slightly sanded, small defect), 1 x "Neue Graphik - Richard Scheibe", half-linen portfolio (slightly sanded) with 12 plates, ed. by Horst Boettcher 1946 in an edition of 1000 copies, 1 x Bäumer "Die Frauengestalt der Deutschen Frühe", Berlin: Verlagsbuchhandlung Herbig, 1929, half linen (damaged, slightly sanded), 1 x catalog "Max Lingner - exhibition - property of the German people", 1949, orig. Paperback (slightly sanded) etc., differ. strong signs of age and wear

bid preparation

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