Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Collection of illustrated classic editions from around 1900

Lot 1047 limit € 20

A total of 20 different illustrated Art Nouveau editions, including: 1 x "Schiller's works", edition in 6 volumes, 1 x "Goethe's works", edition in 6 volumes, "Lessing - Uhland", "Hauff - Rückert", "Grillparzer - Eichendorff", "Immermann - Der Oberhof", "Kleist - Tegnér / Tennyson", "Chamisso - Heine" and "Shakespeare's Masterworks" edition in 2 volumes, all published in Leipzig: Verlag der Literaturwerke Minerva, oJ probably around 1900/1910, red gold embossed Art Nouveau - linen cover, different. Signs of age and wear (among others, the spine of the book has faded from the light, damaged, but nice, usable editions)

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