Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Ten pieces of serving cutlery

Lot 6502 limit € 30

3 x silver 800 or 4 x silver tested, 1 x gold-plated, manufacturer: e.g. Koch & Bergfeld, Bremen, consisting of: 1 butter knife, 3 serving forks and 1 sugar tongs, various designs in Art Nouveau decor, plus: silver plated, manufacturer: e.g. 1 x Robert Kraft, Pforzheim and Christofle & Cie., Paris, consisting of: 1 butter and cheese knife each, 2 meat serving forks and 1 sugar tongs, decorated among other things in historicism style, signs of age and wear, fork length up to approx. 21 cm, weight approx. 134 g, around 1900/10

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Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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Twelve Art Nouveau soup spoons

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Mocha seeds on tray

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