Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Collection of historical postcards

Lot 9003 limit € 30

Altogether well over 60 pieces, including: "Dresden aerial view. The Kugelhaus at the annual show", "Pirna ad Elbe", "Pirna Tischer-Platz", "Dresden Loschwitz, Luisenhof cable car", "Barthmühle (Vogtl. Switzerland)" , "Summer resort Wildenthal", "Gattersburg Grimma i. Sa.", "Blitzengrund sanatorium near Friedland Bez. Breslau", "Glauchau Georgenkirche", "Annual review of German work Dresden-Café Restaurant Kugelhaus", "Hotel Pension Haus Sonneneck Dresden Bad White deer" etc., different Signs of age and use

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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Lot of postcards