Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Collection of historical postcards

Lot 9015 limit € 100

Altogether probably over 180 pieces, period approx. 1900-1945, including: "Greetings from Görlitz Hall of Fame", "Jewish Tower in Coburg", "Greetings from Saxon Switzerland Kuhstall 1893", "Greetings from Annaberg (Erzgeb.) Total view", "Greetings from the Muldental", "Greetings from the Musterung", "Kriebstein in the Zschopautal", "Greetings from Metz", "Greetings from Aue", "Greetings from Löbau i. Sa.", "Leipzig-Napoleonstein" , "Greiz-Parksee", "Greetings from Dresden", "Leipzig Parties on the Rosenthal Hügel", "Greetings from Munich", "Chemnitz Neues Stadttheater", "Park Herrenhaide bei Burgstädt" etc., unchecked in the album of the time

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 1204
Opening price € 30

Lot of postcards

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Opening price € 150

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