Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Lot of literature about banknotes or emergency money

Lot 9026 limit € 20

including: 1 x "German emergency money 1914-19. I. Small change replacement 1914-18", by Prof. Dr. Albert Schramm, Leipzig 1918 (linen, newly bound), 1 x "Illustrated emergency money catalog I. Notgeld + vouchers + instructions. II. Small cheques", ed. Victor Engelmann, Kiel: Engelmann, 1923, 2 x Dr. Keller "Das Deutsche Notgeld 1914-1924" or "Das Deutsche Notgeld 1915-1922" (linen, newly bound), 1 x Albert Pick "Paper Money Catalogue. Europe since 1900", Munich: Battenberg, 1970 (linen cover), 1 x "The emergency money from 1848-1869 in Austria and Hungary. Compiled by Dr. Arnold Keller Berlin Wittenau 1954" (paperback, private Ormig edition) etc., unchecked interesting bundle

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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Sechzehn Feingoldmedaillen

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Acht Feingoldbarren mit Pharaonenmotiv

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