Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Collection of historical postcards

Lot 9037 limit € 30

all in all c. 60 cards, a lot of Saxony, c. period 1900-1945, among other things: "Greetings from Schweizerhof Furth b. Chemnitz", "Greetings from the Johannisgarten Chemnitz", "Café-Salon Corso Chemnitz", advertising card "Continental- Tennis balls", "Döbeln Obermarkt", "Greetings from Annaberg", "Wolkenstein i. Ore Mountains", approx. 17 different views of Bad Elster, "Etablissement Waldesrauschen Einsiedel", 3 different tickets Prince's Cave/Prinzenraub, "Annaberg-Stadttheater with outside staircase ", "Western theater of war-Fort Vaux after the storming", "Greetings from Schöneck-Kaiserl. Post office", "Last big mountain parade on April 6, 1905, train of the mountain smiths", "Schwarzenberg i. Erzgebirge celebration site on the Rockelmann... consecrated June 25-26, 1938", "Annual Review of German Work Dresden", "Crimmitschau i. Sa.", embossed card "Greetings from Vogtland Switzerland Loreleysteg in Triebthale near Jocketa" etc., different. Signs of age and use

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Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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