A total of 15 German silver coins, including: 1 x 1/6 Taler Saxony, on the death of Friedrich August II of Saxony in 1854 (approx. 5.21 g, D approx. 23 mm), 1 x Schilling Brandenburg-Prussia Friedrich I. (1701-1713), 1705 (CG-Königsberg), 1 x 6 kreuzer Bavaria Ludwig I. (1825-1848), 1835, 1 x 3 kreuzer Brandenburg-Prussia, Frederick II the Great (1740-1786) 1785 (A), 1 x 1/2 groschen Braunschweig-Calenberg-Hannover, Georg V. (1851-1866), 1864 (B) etc., signs of age
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144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion am 7. März 2025