Price Database

98th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/12/2015

2.430 Positionen

Collection of coins from Italy

Lot 9056 limit € 20

27 coins in total, including: 1 x 10 lire in silver, Victor Emanuel III. (1900-1946) 1936 (R), 1 x 1 lira in silver, Victor Emmanuel III. (1900-1946) 1907 (R), 3 x 10 centesimi 1894 (R), 1894 (BI-Birmingham) and 1911 (R, 50 Years Kingdom), 2 x 25 centesimi 1902 (R), 1903 (R), 14 x 20 centesimi 1908 (R), 1909 (R), 1910 (R), 1911 (R), 1912 (R), 1913 (R), 1914 (R), 1918 (R), 1919 (R), x2 1920 (R-various), 1921 (R), 1922 (R), 1936 (R) and 6 x 5 centesimi 1919 (R), 1920 (R), 1921 (R), 1922 (R), 1923 (R ) and 1924 (R), signs of age

bid preparation

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