Price Database

105th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/17/2016


475 positions
Lot 4347
Sold € 1,800

porcelain picture

Lot 4351
Sells €50

Coffee rest service

Lot 4352
Sells €20

Zwei Prunkteller

Lot 4353
Sells €140

dining service

Lot 4354
Sells €60

structure vase

Lot 4355
Sells €60

decorative vase

Lot 4356
Verkauft € 68

decorative figure

Lot 4357
Sells €40

decorative vase

Lot 4358
Sold €100

Three offering bowls

Lot 4359
Sells €35

decorative box

Lot 4362
Sells €50

Two ornamental figures

Lot 4363
Sells €90

decorative vase

Lot 4366
Sold €100

Figural bowl

Lot 4368
Sold €100

amphora vase

Lot 4369
Sells €60

Figural bowl

Lot 4370
Sells €330

group of putti

Lot 4378
Sold € 650

Paar Anbietschalen 18. Jh.

Lot 4381
Sold €750

craftsman figure

Lot 4390
Sold € 2,800

Art Nouveau group of figures

Lot 4392
Sells €20

Pair of ornamental vases

Lot 4393
Sells €110

crater vase

Lot 4394
Sells €90

Large fish platter