Price Database

106th Art and Antiques Auction
from 03.12.2016


514 positions
Lot 4001
Sold €150


Lot 4003
Sells €60

structure vase

Lot 4004
Sells €30

decorative vase

Lot 4005
Sells €120

lidded vase

Lot 4006
Sold €600

dining service

Lot 4007
Sells €120

coffee cover

Lot 4008
Sells €80

Collection of Meissen

Lot 4009
Sold €180

coffee pot

Lot 4010
Sells €30

coffee service

Lot 4011
Sells €35

mocha service

Lot 4012
Sold € 460

Three cups of coffee

Lot 4013
Sells € 220

Three cups of coffee

Lot 4014
Sells €110

breakthrough plate

Lot 4015
Sells €120

breakthrough plate

Lot 4016
Sold €100

cream jug and spice bowl

Lot 4017
Sells €25

Pair of Christmas plates

Lot 4018
Sells €70

wall plate

Lot 4019
Sells €25

wall plate

Lot 4020
Sells €80

wall plate

Lot 4021
Sells €30

view plate

Lot 4022
Sells €25

view plate

Lot 4023
Sells €50

wall plate

Lot 4024
Sells €50

Three bird figures

Lot 4025
Sold €200

Three miniature figures