Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018


323 positions
Lot 4688
Sold €190

diamond ring

Lot 4689
Sells €60

ladies ring

Lot 4691
Sold € 450

Pair of ear clips

Lot 4694
Sold €300

Solitaire diamond ring

Lot 4695
Sold €300

Art Deco ladies ring

Lot 4718
Sold € 5,500

Russian pomp icon

Lot 4719
Sells €20

Lot of jewellery

Lot 4721
Sold €500

costume jewellery

Lot 4724
Sells €70

brooch and necklace

Lot 4726
Sells €120

Art Deco necklace

Lot 4728
Sells € 250


Lot 4731
Sold €1,000

Coin pendant with bracelet

Lot 4732
Sold €180

men's ring

Lot 4735
Sold €180

ladies ring

Lot 4742
Sold €200

Amethyst ladies ring

Lot 4745
Sells €70

Two amber rings

Lot 4746
Sells €60


Lot 4747
Sells €50

ladies ring