Bardowick map
Gützlaff, Lotte
Ridinger, Johann Elias (around 1698 - 1767 Augsburg)
German artist of the 16th century
planetary representations
Folder Ludwigslust
Schrimpf, Georg (1889 Munich - 1938 Berlin)
Chaponnier, Alexandre (1753 Geneva - 1835 Paris)
Ruotte, Louis Charles (1754 - 1806 Paris)
Leyden, Lucas van (1494 Leiden - 1533 ibid.)
Anger, Heinz
Boissieu, Jean Jacques de (1736 Lyon - 1810 ibid.)
Pencz, Georg (around 1500 Nuremberg - 1550 Leipzig)
Bega, Cornelis (1620 Haarlem - 1664 ibid.)
Ridinger, Martin Elias (1730 Augsburg - 1781 ibid.)
Unknown engraver
Jones, John (1747 - 1797)
Virchow, W.
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