Conference folder 30 years of the Pirckheimer Society
Gallery above Chemnitz/Karl-Marx-Stadt
Koban, Bernhard (1931 Dresden - active in Wismar and Dresden)
Staeck, Klaus (1938 Pulsnitz - active in Heidelberg)
Machemer, Gabriel (1977 Wolfen - active in Halle/S.)
Stein, Matthias (1954 Freiberg - active in Chemnitz)
Keller Fischer, Astrid (1934 Luditz/Czech Republic - active in Switzerland)
Balcar, Karel (1966 Lanskroun - active in Prague)
Kozik, Gregor Torsten (1948 Hildburghausen - active in Chemnitz)
Weidensdorfer, Claus (1931 Coswig - 2020 Radebeul)
Zimmermann, Sonja (1954 Dresden - active ibid.)
Breitkreuz, Horst (1925 Müncheberg - worked in Berlin)
Ratzlaff, Siegfried (1934 Vangerow - active in Leipzig)
Kittelmann, Lothar (1934 Teichwolframsdorf - active in Chemnitz)
Syba ?
Kesten, Nick
Indistinctly signed
üpfel, Peter (1941 Leipzig - active in Altenburg)
Knechtel, Stefan (1964 Dessau - active in Altenburg/Kürbitz)
Forbrig, Armin (1937 Chemnitz - 2007 ibid.)
OK Interrupt