Price Database

97th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/13/2015

Toys & Folk Art

193 positions
Lot 6163
Sells €30

Pair of standing figures

Lot 6166
Sells €20

stand-up figure

Lot 6168
Sells €50

Four display animals

Lot 6169
Sells €20

Three display animals

Lot 6171
Sells €45

Three display animals

Lot 6172
Sells €50

Three standing figures

Lot 6174
Sells €20

Seven display animals

Lot 6175
Sells €35

Three display animals

Lot 6177
Sells €30

Four display animals

Lot 6179
Sells €30

Four display animals

Lot 6182
Sells €20

Sechs Aufstelltiere

Lot 6185
Sells €35

Two standing figures

Lot 6186
Sells €35

Three display animals

Lot 6187
Sells €20

stand-up figure

Lot 6189
Sells €30

Paar Polizeiautos

Lot 6190
Sells €160

Stretch cat

Lot 6191
Sold €150

Sammlung Zinnfiguren