First of all, we hope that you are healthy and have survived the past extraordinary few days reasonably well. A look at neighboring countries shows that we in Germany and especially in Saxony have been able to cope well with the sometimes terrible health consequences of the corona pandemic by complying with the legal requirements. The economic consequences for each individual cannot yet be foreseen. Together with the federal and state governments, however, we hope to have survived the worst and to be able to return to normality slowly but in a controlled manner. Due to the size and structure of our house, we are allowed to resume business operations from Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Of course, we comply with the distance and hygiene regulations according to the specifications. We therefore ask you to announce your visit to us by telephone first of all in order to avoid waiting times. The preparations for our summer auction are in full swing. Due to the exit restrictions in the last few weeks, your planned posting may not have been possible? We have therefore decided to extend acceptance for our next auction until Friday May 15, 2020.


Let's work together to ensure that a piece of normal everyday life returns and that the next auction means balance, distraction and joy for everyone involved.

Your team from the HEICKMANN auction house


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