Due to the general uncertainty and frequent individual inquiries, we choose this way to inform you and all other customers of our house about the current auction situation in our auction house.

Cross-border we are in a pandemic caused by the SARS coronavirus. The primary goal of our actions is not to put anyone in unnecessary danger and to stay healthy ourselves. Therefore, we strictly adhere to the provisions of the legislature. All customer contact took place and takes place under strict hygienic precautions.

In this way we were again able to acquire many interesting individual objects for our spring auction and can offer them to you for the auction on March 6, 2021. Current official requirements do not allow us to carry out a personal preview for the first time. In consultation with the submitters and based on the good experiences we had at three auctions last year without the personal participation of the audience, we decided to hold the auction on the planned date.

In order to give you the best possible security when bidding, we would ask you to request a condition report and detailed photos for each lot by e-mail. Don't hesitate to contact our experts by phone. Please understand that there may be delays in individual cases. But rest assured that we will do our best to answer all inquiries comprehensively.

In order to be able to continue to offer you art auctions under the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, we were forced to make changes last year. But there is always something positive about change. We received a lot of encouragement from our customers about the possibility of participating in the auction directly via our homepage. Your advantage as a customer is a one-off registration for "LIVE bidding" and, after entering your access data, you can also bid in future auctions without re-activation, as if you were sitting in the auction room.

Telephone bidding was also actively used in times of the corona virus. We will therefore continue to leave the limit that enables telephone bidding at a reduced EUR 80 until further notice.

We are also happy to accommodate those who traditionally prefer the classic, written preliminary bid. If you have already placed a bid with us in previous auctions, we will also accept your preliminary bids informally by e-mail.

In the past, the preview hardly played a role for many interested parties due to the physical distance. Digital communication clearly prevailed. This fast, "short line" to the customer is now also becoming increasingly important for interested parties in the immediate catchment area. Information on paper, sent by post, no longer allows us to inform you about short-term changes in a timely manner. Should the official requirements relax after February 14, 2021 and should we be able to welcome you personally to an orderly preview, we could only inform you of this by newsletter. Letters or postcards would have a much too long lead time.

So that we can keep in touch with each other and you are informed quickly and reliably, we will expand the digital possibilities more in the future. For this reason, we are simultaneously reducing the information channel via the postal service.

If you expressly do not want to receive the “Newsletter” by e-mail on a regular basis, you can of course unsubscribe at any time with a mouse click.

Take this digital step with us - more will follow.

For 26 years and 127 auctions, customers have become accustomed to our category classifications and expect the so-called post-auction sale for a limited time after the auction day. If necessary, also with the possibility of price negotiation. Despite all the digital progress, we do not intend to change this via our homepage.

Stay healthy and lots of auction success!

Your Chemnitz art and auction house


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Auction house Heickmann
Zwickauer Strasse 108
09112 Chemnitz

Phone: 0371.517204
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Tax NR. 214/155/06918
VAT ID no. UK 162089858


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