Price Database

90th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/21/2013

1.959 Positionen

Lot of spirits

Lot 8580 limit € 30

3 pieces, each with 1x Bordeaux "Appelation Controllee, Union-Export" from 1964, ginseng schnapps "Insamsul" from Korea and Primasprit 95%, VEB liqueur factory Zahna, each with signs of age, H up to approx. 29 cm

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

Lot 8557
Opening price € 80

Schaukasten heimische Pflanzen

Lot 8560
Opening price € 360

Spazierstock mit figürlichem Beingriff

Lot 8566
Opening price € 30

Modernes Druckbild