The Dresden city and country messenger, born in 1829 / 1830 / 1831
Schumann, August
The German Colonies
Our navy in the world war 1914 - 1918
Fest=Writing for the 800th anniversary of Wettin's celebration of June 1889
woodwork of the world
pair of books
A Thousand and One Nights - Arabic Tales
Jaeger, Oscar
Carlyle, Thomas
Heuglin, Martin Theodor von
Grotthuss, Jeannot Emil Freiherr von
Ludwig Richter house book
Germany's Hall of Fame in the 19th century
Chemnitz address book 1934
English Bible with Steel Engraving Illustrations 1864
Collection of literature about Saxony
Tilmanns, Dr. Herman
Historical collection of recipes probably from the 16th century
Festschrift for the 200th anniversary of the Meissen porcelain manufactory in 1910
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