Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018


323 positions
Lot 4627
Sells €80

Pair of earrings

Lot 4628
Sold €100

Jewellery set

Lot 4629
Sells €60

Art Deco ladies ring

Lot 4630
Sells €50

Art Deco ladies ring

Lot 4631
Sells €40

ladies ring

Lot 4632
Sells €40

Two women's rings

Lot 4633
Sold €100


Lot 4634
Sells €40

Two women's rings

Lot 4636
Sold €150

curb chain

Lot 4637
Sells €120

Brooch pendant setting

Lot 4638
Sells €130

cameo pendant

Lot 4639
Sells €103

pendant and brooch

Lot 4640
Sold €100

clothes pin

Lot 4641
Sold €300

diamond pendant

Lot 4643
Sells €90

pearl bracelet

Lot 4644
Sells €30

Meissen badge

Lot 4648
Sold €100

Jewellery set

Lot 4650
Sells €60

ladies ring

Lot 4651
Sells € 240

ladies ring