Gützlaff, Lotte and Kaskeline, Friedrich (1863 Prague - after 1931 Prague)
Preißler, Georg Martin (1700 Nuremberg - 1754)
Lot of graphics
Portfolio Isadora Duncan
Indistinctly signed
Berardi, Fabio (1728 Siena - 1788 Venice)
Japanese color woodcut
Dietzsch, Johann Christoph (1710 Nuremberg - 1769 ibid.)
“Zoophorus Mirabilis
Ghisi, Giorgio (around 1520 Mantua - 1582 ibid.)
Alberti, Cherubino (1553 Borgo Sansepolcro - 1615 Rome)
Couple of mythological scenes
Three Renaissance woodcuts
Printing plate 19th century
Gallant scene
View of Vienna
Group of decorative graphics
Dutton, Thomas Goldsworthy (1820 London - 1891 ibid.)
Corinth, Lovis (1858 Tapiau - 1925 Zandvoort)
Slevogt, Max (1868 Landshut - 1932 Leinsweiler/Neukastel)
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