Süssmeier, Josef (YOS, 1897 Rohr - 1971 Munich)
Buschmann, Hermann (1875 Scharmbeck - 1961 Kallmünz)
Borck, A.
Sell, Bertha
Indistinctly signed
Di Scala
Süssmeier, Josef (YOS, 1897 Rohr - 1971 Munich) total. 3 study drawings, watercolor and gouache over lead on cardboard, hand studies, 2 x sharpening a scythe with a whetstone, 1 x with an ax and wedge
Black, L
Rolph, AJ (UK)
Holz, Albert, (1884 Düsseldorf - 1954 ibid.)
Qi Baishi (1864 Xiangtan - 1957 Beijing)
Wolfrum, C.
Pissaro, C.
Janny, Georg (1864 Vienna - 1946 ibid.)
Unknown artist of the Goethe period
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