Goller, Michael (1974 Karl-Marx-Stadt - active in Chemnitz)
Heinze, Frieder (1950 Leipzig - )
Goltzsche, Dieter (1934 Dresden - active in Berlin-Friedrichshagen)
Schmidt, Karl-Heinz (1936 Dresden - )
Merkel, Thomas (1953 Karl-Marx-Stadt - )
Stelzer, Andreas (1954 Karl-Marx-Stadt - 2007 Chemnitz)
Hirsch, Karl-Georg (1938 Breslau - active in Leipzig, among others)
Kittelmann, Lothar (1934 Teichwolframsdorf/Thuringia - active in Chemnitz)
Jackisch, Mathias (1958 Oschatz - lives in Golberode)
Weißpflog, Roland
Fischer-Geising, Heribert (1896 Teplitz-Schönau - 1984 Freiburg iB) watercolour, town view by a lake, signed and dated (19)57 lower left, behind glass in the frame, sheet approx. 48.5 x 34 cm, with
Beyer, Volker (1951 Bannewitz - active in Langenau)
Munnich, Heinz (1921 Chemnitz - 1977 Starnberg)
Böhme, Hildegard Marion (1907 Dresden - 1993 ibid.)
Claus, Carlfriedrich (1930 Annaberg - 1998 Chemnitz)
Tetzner, Heinz (1920 Gersdorf - 2007 ibid.)
Manuwald, Rudolf (1916 Annaberg - 2002 ibid.)
Süss, Klaus (1951 Crottendorf - active in Chemnitz)
Graphic edition of the Kulturbund 1980s
Weidensdorfer, Claus (1931 Coswig - )
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