Price Database

125th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/12/2020


479 positions
Lot 4248
Sells €35

Ovale Anbietschale

Lot 4249
Sells €140

Prunkvolle Korbschale

Lot 4250
Sells €50

Small decorative box

Lot 4252
Sells €20

gravy boat

Lot 4253
Sold €150

Six bowls of compote

Lot 4254
Sells €120

Six bowls of compote

Lot 4255
Sells €50

wall plate

Lot 4256
Sold € 440


Lot 4257
Sells €90

Runde Anbietplatte

Lot 4258
Sells €35

Mokkatasse und Becher

Lot 4260
Sells €60

Large cake stand

Lot 4261
Sells €25

fan bowl

Lot 4262
Sells €40

structure vase

Lot 4263
Sells €30

funnel vase

Lot 4264
Sells €25

Two coffee pots

Lot 4265
Sells €30

structure vase

Lot 4266
Sells €35


Lot 4267
Sells €30

funnel vase

Lot 4268
Sells €70

Six dinner plates

Lot 4269
Sells €70

Six soup plates

Lot 4270
Sells €70

Group of onion patterns

Lot 4271
Sells €30

fan bowl