Price Database

125th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/12/2020


479 positions
Lot 4348
Sold € 3,800

wobbly pagoda

Lot 4349
Sells €40

Kaminuhr mit Sockel

Lot 4350
Sold € 550

Six cups of coffee

Lot 4351
Sold €180

coffee core

Lot 4352
Sold €180

cake plate

Lot 4355
Sold €100

Mocha cup with saucer

Lot 4358
Sold €150

Historicism handle bowl

Lot 4362
Sold €100

Figur einer Tänzerin

Lot 4363
Sells €50

tea caddy

Lot 4364
Sells €110


Lot 4365
Sells €40

Drei Märchenteller

Lot 4366
Sells €50


Lot 4367
Sells €130

Three sets of tea

Lot 4368
Sells €30

funnel vase

Lot 4369
Sells €120

cornucopia vase

Lot 4372
Sells €40

decorative vase

Lot 4373
Sells €60

decorative vase

Lot 4374
Sold €200

footed vase

Lot 4376
Sells €120

rod vase

Lot 4379
Sells €160

table candlestick

Lot 4381
Sells €130

Zwei Messerbänkchen

Lot 4382
Sells € 240

decorative box