Price Database

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
vom 22.11.2024

Toys & Folk Art

558 Positionen
Lot 7019
Sells €25


Lot 7021
Sells €140


Lot 7022
Sells €120

Two Nutcrackers

Lot 7024
Sells €90

Two Nutcrackers

Lot 7026
Sells €60

Group of incense smokers

Lot 7027
Sold €100

Konvolut Aufstellfiguren Jagd

Lot 7029
Sold €190

Großer Leuchterengel

Lot 7030
Sells €40

Four smokers

Lot 7037
Sold €100

Lößnitzer Krippenfigur

Lot 7039
Sells €40

Kindernähmaschine WESTFALIA

Lot 7041
Sells €45

general store

Lot 7042
Sells €160

jointed doll

Lot 7043
Sold €100

Large group of figures

Lot 7044
Sold €100

Set of Nativity figures