Böttger, Klaus (1942 Dresden - 1992 Wiesbaden)
Müller, Hans-Peter (1942 Leipzig - active in Hohenölsen)
Brüne, Gudrun (1941 Berlin - lives in Strodehne)
Münnich, Heinz (1921 Chemnitz - 1970 Karl-Marx-Stadt)
Eyermann, Bruno (1888 Leipzig - 1961 Hanau)
Dinter, Johannes (1896 Oberplanitz - 1986 Zwickau)
Historical view of Augustusburg
Morgner, Michael (1942 Chemnitz - active ibid.)
Herzing, Minni (1883 Frankfurt/Main - 1968 Karl-Marx-Stadt)
Voigtmann, Lutz (1941 Krostitz - 1997 Chemnitz)
Claus, Carlfriedrich (1930 Annaberg - 1998 Chemnitz)
Tetzner, Heinz (1920 Gersdorf - 2007 ibid.)
Thielemann, Gerd (1928 Leipzig - active ibid.)
Nudes and portraits from the 1980s graphic edition
Dress, Andreas (1943 Berlin - active in Sebnitz)
Portraits of the graphic edition 1988
Graphic edition of the Kulturbund 1980s
Collection of exhibition posters
Poeschmann, Rudolf (1878 Plauen - 1954 Dresden)
Manuwald, Rudolf (1916 Annaberg - 2002 ibid.)
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