Price Database

142. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
vom 06.09.2024

1.697 Positionen
Lot 7211
Sells €40

Five smokers

Lot 7212
Sells €70

Small table pyramid

Lot 7213
Sells €40

Konvolut Räucherfiguren

Lot 7214
Sells €45

Pair of smokers

Lot 7215
Sells €35

Group of incense smokers

Lot 4352
Sells €45

structure vase

Lot 4354
Sells €45

Drei Becher Feuervogel

Lot 4356
Sells €30

Zwei asiatische Porzellane

Lot 8036
Sells €50

Design-Leuchte JESSY

Lot 8037
Sells €50

Design-Leuchte JESSY

Lot 8038
Sold €170

Design glass table

Lot 3044
Sells €70

Kleinbronze Justitia

Lot 5191
Sells €70

Group Of Garnet Jewelry

Lot 5193
Sells €50

Art déco-Geldklammer

Lot 5194
Sells €70


Lot 5200
Sells €50
