Price Database

142. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
vom 06.09.2024

1.697 Positionen
Lot 4297
Sells €60

Drei Teile Mingdrache

Lot 4298
Sold €150

Prunkschale Blumenmalerei

Lot 4301
Sells €45

Three decorative bowls

Lot 4302
Sells €40

Konfektdose Blaue Blume

Lot 4303
Sold €150

Prunkteller Blumenmalerei

Lot 4304
Sells €80

Cabaretschale Zwiebelmuster

Lot 4305
Sells €50

Sauciere Streublume

Lot 4311
Sold €100

Group of onion patterns

Lot 4312
Sold €170

Kerzenleuchter Peter Strang

Lot 3510
Sells €30

Drei moderne Glasvasen

Lot 8017
Sells €35

Art Deco table lamp

Lot 6048
Sells €30

table candlestick

Lot 5522
Sells €90

Lot of clockworks

Lot 1229
Sells €50

Collection of GDR coins

Lot 3813
Sells €50

Art Nouveau cake stand