Price Database

142. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
vom 06.09.2024

1.697 Positionen
Lot 6052
Sells €50

Three parts silver

Lot 6053
Sells €35

Three parts silver

Lot 6054
Sold € 650

coin plate

Lot 4322
Sells €140

Zwei Vogelfiguren

Lot 4325
Sells €70

Three bird figures

Lot 4326
Sells €45

Three ornamental vessels

Lot 7047
Sells €30


Lot 7048
Sells €110

Two angels of light

Lot 7049
Sells €80

lights miner

Lot 7050
Sells €70

ceiling spider

Lot 7051
Sells €40


Lot 7052
Sells €60

Erzgebirgische Pyramide

Lot 7053
Sells €30

mountain lift

Lot 7054
Sells € 220

Acht Tischkartenhalter

Lot 7055
Sells €40

Five smokers

Lot 7056
Sells €35

Collection of Easter

Lot 7057
Sells €30

Konvolut Ostern

Lot 7060
Sells €80

Three Nutcrackers

Lot 7062
Sells €120

table pyramid